Welcome to the Edwards Blog!
Purpose for blogging:
- Strengthen writing skills
- Communicate with others
- Stimulate class discussions
- Self reflection
- Practice being a global learner
Expectation for blogging:
- Each student must agree to the expectations before they are given access to blog.
- Students will follow the directions for each posting.
- Students will respect others’ opinions.
- Students will reflect on the topic and write a complete and thoughtful answer with a minimum of 5 sentences.
- Students will use reasons, details or facts as examples to make their point.
- Students will use proper 6-trait writing skills.
- Students will use appropriate language and typing skills. This is NOT texting. Abbreviations, lack of punctuation/capitalization, profanity, personal insults, inappropriate language, racist, sexist or discriminatory remarks or threatening comments will not be tolerated.
- Students will follow copyright laws.
- All comments will be reviewed by the teacher before they are posted.
Assessment: Student blogs are subject to evaluation in the following areas.
- Uses writing process effectively.
- Writes effectively for a variety of purposes, subjects and audiences.
- Evaluates own writing strategies and performance.
- Transfers and applies conventions, spelling, usage, grammar, and mechanics.
- Applies comprehension strategies to a variety of texts.
- Effectively uses technology tools to collaborate, produce and communicate digital information.
- Students practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology.