100 Word Challenge-Week of April 6

100 Word Challenge!!

When you submit your comment you need to title the comment like this

100WC April 8 Brenda   —-EXAMPLE

  • 100WC

  • The Date

  • Your first name

Then post your comment!

Week of April 6

There are two prompts to choose from this week:

Prompt One

…suddenly they froze with nothing to say…

Prompt Two

Blue,    Sad,    Giraffes,    Snowflakes,    Coco

If you use prompt one, the entire phrase must be somewhere in your prompt. If you use prompt two, all five words must be somewhere in your prompt, the order does not matter.

Remember, type your prompt as a google doc first. Do not paste it in as a comment until you are sure it is complete, titled correctly, proofread for spelling, capital letters, grammar, and punctuation, and is between 95-105 words!

15 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge-Week of April 6

  1. In a place someone named Coco was so sad that it started to snow. A tiny snowflake went into his hair. After a few minutes he left. A giraffe noticed so he decided to bring many giraffes to cheer Coco. At Coco’s home he put on some warm clothes and put on his favorite blue blanket and watched tv until the giraffes came and he was so happy now he will let the giraffes stay. It was a fun day in the snow with the giraffes.
    Well that’s one way to be happy.

    • Kia ora Michelle. Well done, I really enjoyed your 100 Word Challenge. A visit from a family of giraffes would certainly make me happy! Your story is fun, and you have used the prompt really well. Keep up the great writing Michelle!

  2. 100wc April 8 Triston

    It was 3218 July 16 today is the Buckeye cup final it’s the Cleveland Bombers versus L.A Jets.It was in a shootout the game was tied 7 to 7 the star player of the Bombers Rampage Brownie hovering down the ice on his hover skates with the puck.The Jets goalie Tode Macdugule waiting for the shoot Rampage come down the ice then he jukes Macdougal and takes the shoot the crowd suddenly they froze with nothing to say.The Bombers win the Buckeye cup 8 to 7. As soon as the Bombers won the hockey game paratroopers landed in the Cavaliers arena.

    • Greetings from Australia Triston. I was interested in your response to this week’s challenge. Ice hockey is not common in our country. I can tell that you are very passionate about the game! Unfortunately when you write about something with passion, you can get caught up the ideas, and forget about punctuation. Good punctuation helps the reader picture the scene, and follow your story. A good strategy is to read your story aloud so you can hear where punctuation marks should go; or you could get a friend to edit your writing for you. I hope I get to read more of your writing.

  3. 100WC April 8 Maddy One day my friends were talking and I walked up, suddenly they froze with nothing to say, so I left. I walked up to my parents when they were talking, suddenly they froze with nothing to say also. Everybody seemed to be freezing but I went about my day. Soon the whole town was frozen, so then I panicked. “ Why is everybody screaming?” I said as I ran to a mirror. Soon I saw for myself what was on top of my head. A giant spider! I shooed it off and everything went back to normal. That is the end.


    A group of friends were bored inside and wanted to go ghost hunting the first one, Dave thought the idea was bad because he didn’t like ghosts. but he decided to go anyways.The
    second friend, Maurice thought they were scary but he thought of going too. And the third one
    Coco thought ghosts were cool. So they went to the haunted mansion. As soon as they walked
    In, they saw a bunch of ghosts. Suddenly they froze with nothing to say except for “RUN” As they ran Dave tripped and the ghosts were gaining on them.Did they make it?

  5. 100WC April 8 Jack.
    Once upon a time, there were two giraffes named Coco. These giraffes liked to catch snowflakes, However one time, Coco #1 decided that he wanted to eat ice, It was just like snow, Right? No. Coco #1 Got their tongue stuck! Coco #1 was very blue. Meanwhile, Coco #2 went to the grocery store and saw some chocolate… Coco #2 read the back and it said 50% COCO! Coco #2 decided that was enough and sued the chocolate company, The judge told her that coco was an ingredient. Coco #2 was very sad. All of a sudden, Coco #1 flew on a rocketship through the courtroom, Yelling ‘EQUAL RIGHTS FOR GIRAFFES!’ The… End!

  6. 100WC Kaylin April 6

    We are now back for part 2 where you decide what happens to you! So remember your from last time and try to connect it to these new wonky scenarios!
    You are still and little blue from finding yourself lost in school and I don’t me the sad kind of blue you have actually turned the color blue!
    You try to wash off the blue with the magical hot coco you found in the book with all the diamonds!
    But then you have turned into a giraffe! A blue giraffe!
    Then it starts to rain snowflakes!

  7. 100WC April 8 Jaida

    Coco saw snowflakes falling from the sky outside.Coco was sad because she wasn’t able to see her friends any more and she told her mom “what about the giraffe!” Once Coco knew that the giraffes might be cold cause it’s snowing, she turned blue inside. Soon Coco went outside and started getting snowflakes in her hair and she started getting blue because she went outside and played in the snow and with the snowflakes. Coco soon went inside to get into warmer clothes and then she was worried about the giraffes and started crying because she was sad.Then it was the next day it was sunny and the giraffes were okay. The end

  8. 100WC April 6 Sean

    It was cold and windy outside and snowing, it felt like it was never going to end. I was so sad that I couldn’t go outside and my pet Giraffes were freezing because it was so cold. Snowflakes were falling and my best friend Coco couldn’t come over. I was so upset and bored and didn’t know what to do. Then the sun came out and the sky was blue! All the snow started to melt and I was so happy. I went to go play with my giraffes and it was so fun and Coco could come over.

  9. This past weekend me and my family worked on a garden.to build the garden we had to go to home depot and git some wood.When we got home it felt like forever to cut the wood then place the wood in the garden.After we finished placing the wood we had to put dirt in which didn’t think that long.after we had a brace which I spent playing video games.after the brace we went and looked at the garden and then suddenly they froze with nothing to say because it was so beautiful.

  10. 100WC April 8 Leiyah

    The snowflakes fell down from the sky. Coco wanted to see the giraffes and his mom said no. So Coco was sad. He went online and stared at a blue screen. And then an hour later he wakes up in the morning to find out he just was all in a dream. Coco was really happy cause he could see the giraffes!

  11. 100WC April 10 Leo
    My First Ride
    Today I was upstairs being bored and sad, when my mom yelled ”Coco, you want to ride Uncle Bill’s motorcycle?” I said sure and grabbed my helmet. I was shaking.
    This was my first time on a motorcycle, Uncle Bill’s motorcycle looks fast, it’s blue and black, with a backboard for a passenger. I got on and thought Aghhh.
    We rode around the block and then past Countryside, there were giraffes drinking from the pool, trying to stay cool. With the wind it felt like it was 30 degrees out and that snowflakes would be falling, I think I turned blue.
    Now I want one.

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