100 Word Challenge Week of May 4 (32)

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100WC May 4 Brenda   —-EXAMPLE

  • 100WC

  • The Date

  • Your first name

Then post your comment!

Week of May 4

There are two prompts to choose from this week:

Prompt One

…we disappeared into the night …

Prompt Two

…but should I really do this?…


Remember the entire phrase must be somewhere in your prompt. If you want, you can start a sentence with the prompt.

Remember, type your prompt as a google doc first. Do not paste it in as a comment until you are sure it is complete, titled correctly, proofread for spelling, capital letters, grammar, and punctuation, and is between 95-105 words!

18 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge Week of May 4 (32)

  1. 100WC May 4 Kaylin

    But should I really eat that. I was just trying to get a laugh out of my friends. So I did it. I ate a talki!
    ” Ahhhhhh! HOT HOT HOT! ¨
    I was going crazy. I was chugging water as fast as I could. I was SO hot! I felt like I had put a lit match in my mouth!
    Then, I ran out of water! That was the worst thing that has ever happened to me! I could not survive the flavor bomb from the tiny lick I took. I could never survive the lick without water.

    • Hi Kaylin, sometimes we do do silly things to impress our friends and then rely on something or someone to sort it! I like the way your story covers this idea and the humour of you chugging water until there was none left. Well written and a good fun read.

  2. 100WC May 4 Triston

    Once upon a time in a galaxy far away there was a man named Finn Kenobi.His life he wondered should he join the First Order or the Resistance.He has been leaning more tored the First Order because their uniforms are super cool and cooler than the Resistance.So he went to go join the First Order but then Finn thought to himself “But should I really do this?Because he was signing up for the bad guys.He was thinking should I just go to the First Order for coolness or the good Resistance for good.So Finn went for Resistance and lived.

    • Thanks Triston for this object lesson in doing the right thing. A well written story with a moral as well. It is always best to go with the good guys even if you don’t end up looking like a really cool dude!

  3. 100 Challenge

    Khloe and her sister Adisyn were on the bus going to their field trip with the girls class. The bus ride was really long to get there. Adi enjoyed talking and having fun with her friends. On the other hand, Khloe sat looking out the window. Then they got to the place a swimming pool! All the kids started to jump in. Adisyn and all her friends went to the stairs to get in. Then Khloe thought to herself…”should I really do this? I hate swimming.” But then she walked over to the diving board…she jumped super high. All the other kids were amazed. Khloe looked back and she saw her sister’s hair all wet! She looked mad too. Adisyn marched out of the swimming place.

    • Congratulations on your response to this week’s challenge Payton. Thank you for your accurate punctuation (which makes a text easy to read and understand). I enjoyed reading your story. I suggest that you set a goal to find a list of words to use instead of ‘then’. Using a variety of sentence beginnings will raise your writing to a new level. I hope I get a chance to read more of your writing.

  4. In a village there was a person that escaped the village with his family until we disappeared into the night and we ended up in a place called idk. Anyways we continued to explore this place and it was creepy like so creepy until I yelled.


    Okay i’ll stop.

    We heard a noise that was coming in our way so we all run like CRAZY and got out of this place and start our own home so yeah my yoot didn’t help as always but i say that was an amazing adventure i want to be there again


  5. 100WC May 7 Maddy

    Another day, Mui Mai, the panda, had a sleepover with his other friend Hailey, the panda. When Mui Mai’ s parents went to bed they snuck out and it was dark. They disappeared into the night. Mui Mai found a cave. “Go in the cave!!!!” Shouted Mui Mai. Hailey started to walk then asked, “But should I really do this?” The next day, Hailey was muddy. Mui Mai’s mom asked where have you two been? Will they answer. Did Hailey go in the cave or did she just get muddy on the way back from the cave? Find out next.

  6. 100WC

    One night I went to the creek near my home. I saw one of my friends from the neighborhood and she was playing flashlight tag. I asked if I could join the game.We couldn’t be touched by the light, so when we saw a light we disappeared into the night it was so fun. I was playing with my brave knight Kelsey, that is what she calls herself. Also, my friend JP who is older than me and Kelsey got hit by the light. I was the only one who could win the game and save my friends.

  7. Isabella
    One day my friends and I were going on a hike and Iris forgot her sleeping bag and nobody brought an extra sleeping bag. ¨I am sorry guys, we need to go back and get my sleeping bag.¨ ¨It’s okay we will just stay here.¨ ¨Thank you.¨ ¨Yep.¨ So Iris went on and started to disappear into the night ¨Okay let’s see here so I have to make a right turn, then a left turn, then I will be there. (3 hours later.) ¨Where is she? I am starting to get really worried and tired. I think we should l just stay here. ¨Good night.¨ …

  8. 100WC Week of May 4 Leo
    “Clunk”!! The wheels of good riders and people THAT LAY ON THE FEATURES hit the ground at Valmont bike park. One somewhat cold-warm day I decided to go on the medium-small slopestyle at Valmont. I went on some practice runs and then I realized this looks awfully easy to do the medium drop, after enough lineups I decided to go on the drop when I got on the plank, I thought …but should I really do this? I cased it very hard but I still survived somehow. I learned don’t be scared to do drops.

  9. Dad Blows up the House

    One day my dad decided he wanted to cook.He asked what everyone wanted to eat. We all decided on spaghetti and meatballs. So he started to make the food on the stove. Dad turned on the T.V. to watch his sports he says but should I really do this? My dad really loves his sports and forgets what he is doing sometimes. My dad got the noodles done and was waiting on the meatballs. Guess what happened yep he forgot and the meatballs grew so big that they explored and blew up the house.

  10. 100WC
    May 8th, 2020

    “Where are you?” Jack-A-Boi yelled into the sunset “I know you’re here, Mr. eMan!” “Jack, I’m right here” Mr. eMan said “Asteroid Boi is already at the station” “Shoot” “But agent Triangle-boiii is already at the trains destination” “But where is the destination?” “The city of E” “Ah”(50) “Well, We best get moving” Jack said “ Wouldn’t want to miss the party”.
    We got into the helicopter and flew towards the city of E. We got off and were greeted by Agent BEANS “Hello, I am agent BEANS, Asteroid boi is almost-” “TRAIN ARRIVING!” Asteroid boi stepped out and.. “Happy birthday!” We partied and then WE dissapeared into the night


    I was going to do my 100 word challenge today thursday May 7 but I was playing Modern Warfare with my friends. I said “Boys it is time, I am getting off” so I did and booted up my computer. But first I had to do math so i did that along with the quick quiz and it was hard. But then I got on google docs and named my thing “100 WORD CHALLENGE WEEK OF MAY 4” And started writing this but I forgot to see what the word we had to use was I saw it and said “But should i really do this one” in the end I did.

  12. May 15 100 word challenge Kirill.

    So one cold day there were two slavik kids walking in the forest and their mom’s were like don’t walk too far away and be back by 12:00 because borsch is going to become cold. But they didn’t care because there was a myth that deep in the forest there was a ghost which they didn’t believe but when it was like 1:00 it wasn’t good for the boys The deafening screams echoed through the cold night and they realised it was the ghost and they sprintet back and their parents that searched for them for long.

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